Business English 2 Assignment 2

Dialogue with a client on a product problem or complaint

Customer Care : “Good Afternoon, how can I help you?” (confusingly related word = can/may)

Customer : “I purchased a computer from your company last month. Unfortunately, I'm not satisfied with my new computer. I'm having a lot of problems.”

Customer Care : “Do you have your store receipt with you?”

Customer : Yes, I do. Here you go. (commonly misused word = hear/here)

Customer Care : “There’s a one-year store warranty on this computer. We’ll be able to take a look at it today at no charge to you. If we can’t find the problem. We will exchange it for a new one. What seems to be the problem?”

Customer : “I'm having problems with my Internet connection, as well as repeated crashes when I try to run my word-processing software.”

Customer Care : “That is strange for such a new computer. Could I take a look?” (confusingly related word = take/bring)

Customer : “Sure, here it is.”

Customer Care : “Everything looks ok on the outside. Could I ask a few questions?”

Customer : “Yes, of course.”

Customer Care : “What do you usually do on the computer?”

Customer : “I use it to check my emails and write articles for my assignment.” (preposition)

Customer Care : What happened exactly?

Customer : Well, the Internet connection doesn't work. I think the modem is broken. I'd like a replacement.

Customer Care : How were you using the computer when you tried to connect to the Internet?

Customer : I was trying to connect to the Internet! What kind of question is that?!

Customer Care : “ Sir I'm just trying to understand the problem. I'm afraid it's not our policy to replace computers because of glitches.”

Customer : I bought this computer with the software pre-loaded. I haven't touched anything.

Customer Care : We’re sorry that you’ve had a problem with this computer. Could you bring in your computer? I promise you we'll check the settings and get back to you immediately. (Preposition)

Customer : OK, that will work for me.

Customer Care : Is there anything else I need to know about this that I haven’t thought to ask.

Customer : No, I'd just like to be able to use my computer to connect to the Internet.

Customer Care : We'll do our best to get your computer working as soon as possible. (commonly misused word = we’ll/well)
Dialogue with a co-worker on the solution for the said complaint

Me : “Excuse me, are you busy ?”

Co-worker : “No, may I help you ?” (confusingly related word = can/may)

Me : “Can you proceed this computer problem ?” (commonly misused word = proceed/precede)

Co-worker : “Oh ok. What is the problem ?”

Me : “The receipt on behalf of Bob complained about his computer being crash a few moments ago.” (preposition)

Co-worker : “Have you check software diagnostics on the computer ?” (preposition)

Me : “Done, it’s because the software pre-loaded.” (commonly misused word = It’s/Its)

Co-worker : “Oke, let me see it futher.” (confusingly related word = see/sight)

Me : “Thank you”


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