Business English 2 Assignment 3


Antecedents of pronouns
Pronoun is a word that is used to replace noun, noun phrase, noun clause, other pronoun,

or other constructs which act as nouns. In a sentence, this word can refer to the noun mentioned

The antecedent is a word, phrase, or clause that is referred to or replaced by a pronoun.
Usually the antecedent position is before the pronoun.

The Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement is the agreement of the pronoun with the antecedent in terms
of :
number [singular(tunggal) atau plural (jamak)]
person [1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person]
gender [female (wanita), male (pria), neutral (netral)]
Example :
John and Josh have decided to do over their task.
That woman or her friends often turn on their radio.
Lyla and Jane spend their money to buy a lot of dress yesterday.
Bob is naughty. I don’t like him.
Mr. Rendra decided to sell his car to get extra money.
Giana is my wife and she loves me so much.

Dangling Constructions
Dangling modifier is a mistake in sentence structure where there is a mismatch between
what is meant by the writer or speaker and what is meant by the reader or listener. This mistake
will certainly cause a misunderstanding. The intent to be conveyed will not be conveyed in its
entirety and comprehensively.

Dangling Modifier in English usually occurs because the author or speaker does not put
the subject of the sentence at the beginning of the main sentence.

Dangling Modifiers in sentences consist of :
Main Clause, is a complete sentence consisting of the subject and verb (verb) in the sentence.
Introductory Phrase, its use is like a clause, but has no subject and verb and introductory
phrase depends on the subject and verb in the main clause.
Example :
Running home from school, I was bitten by a dog.
Having hidden the key in this pocket, George left town.
To understand the directions, one must read them carefully.
When only a child, I was taken to the cinema by my father.
Playing in the street, the child was hit by the truck.


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